Archivio Tag: Roland System 100 – Model 101

Intervista con Vincent Borcard, direttore dello SMEM (Swiss Museum for Electronic Music Instruments)

Vagando per la rete, leggendo post e newsletter di musicisti che seguo da tempo sono arrivato al sito dello SMEM (Swiss Museum for Electronic Music Instruments), istituzione svizzera dedicata alla conservazione e utilizzo di un enorme collezione di strumenti musicali elettronici come sintetizzatori, organi, tastiere e tantissimo altro. Come ho fatto per il Museo del […]

Interview with Vincent Borcard, director of the SMEM (Swiss Museum for Electronic Music Instruments)

While browsing as well as reading posts and newsletters of musicians I have been following for some time, I discovered the website of SMEM (Swiss Museum for Electronic Music Instruments), a Swiss institution devoted to the conservation and employment of a huge collection of electronic musical instruments such as synthesizers, keyboards and much more. As […]