Bryan Day, e le sue “creature” discografiche Public Eyesore Records e Eh? Records, bazzica Kathodik da parecchi anni, perché le produzioni che arrivano in redazione, soprattutto le care vecchie cassette, stimolano la curiosità e la voglia di scriverne per far conoscere artisti dediti alla musica noise, elettronica e improvvisativa in generale. A fine 2022 ho […]
Archivio Tag: Prototype Earthborne
Bryan Day, along with his recording “creatures” Public Eyesore Records and Eh? Records, have been hanging around Kathodik for several years, since their releases – devoted mainly to noise, electronic and improvisational music – are very interesting (especially the old dear old cassettes) and always promt us to review them. At the end of 2022 […]