Rumor News

Rumor 50: Wolf Eyes, Modified Toy Orchestra, Tyft, Scorch Trio, Berio, Koenig‏. Utrecht 19 & 20 October 2007 Start: 20.30 – Click For Infos.


Utrecht           19 & 20 October 2007            Start: 20.30


Admission: 15 Euro / 12 Euro (U-pas, student, CJP)
Go-as-you-please ticket: 25 / 20 Euro

Friday 19 October

20.30  Gottfried Michael Koenig   Geertekerk
21.30  Scorch Trio                           SJU Jazzpodium
22.45  Modified Toy Orchestra      Theater Kikker

Saturday 20 October

20.30  Berio   Sequenzas                Theater Kikker
21.45   Wolf Eyes                              Ekko
23.00   Tyft                                        SJU Jazzpodium

Gottfried Michael Koenig & Kees Tazelaar  –  Geertekerk
Utrecht as the centre of electronic music goes a long way back. Consider, for example, the Institute of Sonology, founded in Utrecht, and the Institute of music & technology. About time to dedicate a special part of our programme to two great masters of composition for loudspeakers. Pioneer and former managing director of the Institute of Sonology, G.M. Koenig, composed his significant composition series Funktionen in Utrecht. During this concert  you will hear Koenig’s compositions Funktion Grau and Terminus X.
Kees Tazelaar, present managing director of Sonology, has developed his very own musical language and aesthetics, initially strongly influenced by Jan Boerman and Koenig. In the Geertekerk, where the Sonology concerts used to take place,  Tazelaar’s compositions Phalanxes and Chroma 1 will also be heard.

Scorch Trio – SJU Jazzpodium
The Scandinavian Scorch Trio succeeds in bridging  the gap between power trios such as Cream and Hendrix’ Band of Gypsies and avant-jazz guitarists like Sonny Sharrock and Nels Cline. Besides overwhelming free jazz there is room for Finnish guitarist Raoul Björkenheim’s technical fireworks, that evokes memories of Jimi himself as well as John McLaughlin of the Mahavishnu Orchestra. The strength of this trio lies in the ability of all members to experiment freely and, if necessary, to retrace their steps to the paths of fusion jazz, without falling back into over- intellectual ferreting and empty fusion. The albums of the super trio are released under the renowned Norwegian label Rune Grammofon, the leading supplier of Norwegian ‘cutting edge’ music.

Raoul Bjorkenheim – guitar /  Ingebrigt Haker Flaten –  bass / Paal Nilssen-Love – drums, percussion

Modified Toy Orchestra – Theater Kikker
About six years ago Brian Duffy started his Modified Toy Orchestra. At jumble sales he rescued children’s toys from an inglorious end by buying them up and granting them a second life in his orchestra. The sounds, but also the newly ‘discovered’ sounds, he manages to get out of the toys are linked together and with that, how could it be otherwise, he creates playful compositions. Compositions that are of course funny, but also moving, that, in an underhand way, can be danced to and sound extremely ‘poppy’. What can be  expected in actual practice? Well, just five middle-aged men on stage, playing a complete toyshop. With its album ‘Toygopop’ Modified Toy Orchestra joins the tradition of Kraftwerk, Devo and Apparat Organ Quartet.

Brian Duffy, Laurence Hunt, Darren Joyce, Mike Johnston, Chris Plant, Joe Leach – toys and more

Berio  Sequenzas – Theater Kikker

In 1958 Luciano Berio composed his First Sequenza, in 2002 (he wrote) his last. This total of 14 pieces titled “Sequenzas”, form the leitmotiv through his entire oevre. Berio wrote sequenzas for a wide range of solo instruments, for which the composer envisaged the specific potential of the instrument in question, and demanding great technical skill on the part of the performer. Characteristic of Berio’s sequenzas is their extreme virtuosity that is always captivating, often showy, but never superficial. At this Rumor Festival the “Sequenzas” for piano, oboe, cello and clarinet will be performed.

Ernest Rombouts – oboe / Daan van de Walle – piano /  Ainhoa Miranda Gimenez – clarinet  / Rares Milhailescu – cello

Wolf Eyes – Ekko
In 1997 Wolf Eyes started as the brainchild of Nate Young, a teenager with a fancy for White House, Throbbing Gristle and Black Flag. Gradually the group expanded, releasing strictly limited numbers of albums, tapes and cds and leaving behind a wave of excitement wherever they performed. And would you believe that Wolf Eyes’ latest album ‘Human Animal’ was released by Sub Pop, the  indie record label that gave us grunge in the early nineties! But all this needn’t alarm the noise lover, the men’s sound showers are just as noisy. Wolf Eyes is a real live band, a band you should have seen at least once. High-pitched sonar sounds, low-pitched sub bass sounds and saxophone and vocals through kilos of effect  equipment are the basic ingredients for a hot night of Wolf Eyes. No punk, no ambient, no metal and no ordinary noise, but Wolf Eyes! Uncompromising and hard as fuck!

Nate Young, John Olson, Mike Connelly – noise and more

Tyft –  SJU Jazzpodium
The guitarist Hilmar Jensson is a good example of an Icelandic musician with a worldwide view. He started out as a rock guitarist, acquired jazz standards at the academy of music in Reykjavik and after that he studied at the prestigious Berklee School of Music in Boston. There he got to know progressive young American musicians including drummer Jim Black and saxophonist Andrew d’Angelo, immersed himself in the New York downtown scene and at present divides his time between Iceland, where he teaches at the academy of music, and the United States.
“Hilmar does a fine job of blurring the line between hard rock and jazz, while still being crafty in the way he arranges these different fragments into a successful whole. Even the freer sections are pretty focused and change as they evolve. “

Hilmar Jensson – guitar, electronics / Andrew D’Angelo – alto sax, bass clarinet / Jim Black – drums, electronics

Information and tickets:  /               030-2382080        / / P.O. Box 19206 3501 DE Utrecht

Special thanks to: Ekko, SJU Jazzpodium, Theater Kikker, City and Province of Utrecht, VSB Fonds, Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds, KF Heinfonds, Elise Mathildefonds, Thuiskopiefonds