Discus Records News

Discus Sale. Click For Infos.

During 2006 Discus released  eight new CDs and now we need to pay for them!  So I’m hoping past Discus customers will be interested in taking advantage of our January sale.  Recipients of this email can buy any 4 Discus CDs for £20.  Simply reply to this email before the end of January stating which CDs you’d like, and send a cheque for £20 to:


Discus, Box 658, Sheffield S10 3YR, England


–         or send a PayPal payment direct to mw.archer@btopenworld.com. ( In other words, ignore the PayPal buttons on the website.)


Just to remind you, the most recent releases are:


29CD  Herve Perez & Martin Archer – The inclusion principle

Minimal laptop based improv


28CD  Beck / Drenching / Pleasure – A low carbonation

Your favourite bassoon / dictaphone / bricks trio


27CD  ASK – Acoustic quartet 2006

AACM based old school improv


26CD  Hornweb – The Rosemary songbook

25 miniature masterpieces from the reformed jazz suprgroup


25CD  Shkrang! – Some thoughts about Shkrang!

Powerful tenor  / guitar / drums live set


24CD  Neil Carver & Martin Archer – Artefacts

Found and invented instruments plus studio assemblage & processing


MC04  Bass Tone Trap – Trapping

Re-release of the 1984 electric jazz  classic


23CD  Outward Sound Ensemble – Thunder in a clear sky

Dronescapes plus improv detail from the Canadian duo plus UK collaborators


Visit www.discus-music.co.uk for full details including the usual fantastic reviews.


Also you might be interested to visit www.myspace.com/armyofbriars where you can hear four tracks from a very different upcoming release!


Happy listening,


Martin Archer

Mick Beck