Sirr-Ecords News

New Cd Releases. Click For Infos.

New releases available at:
CD sirr0024
i.k.k. Purpur
CD sirr0025

| Erikm
| sixpériodes
| sirr0024 CD

Sixpériodes brings us solo sound explorations from the french composer and
virtuoso turntablist eRikm who has been collaborating with the likes of
Fennesz, Otomo Yoshihide, Jim O’rourke or musique concrète composer Luc
Each creation here departs from a scenic set-up and is accomplished using
diverse approaches and techniques that demonstrate the skillfull art of
eRikm in combining different material – digital and acoustic sounds, field
recordings and vinyl manipulations – in a unique way, delicate and textural.
His primary aim is no longer simply to quote his system of references but to
create for himself a bank of singular material to compose without referring
to other works, thus approaching a subtle abstraction and a sense of pause
within contemporary sonic agitation.’
eRkm started as a solo artist in 1992 taking off from his interest in visual
arts and rock music to become renowned for his turntabling virtuosity
and his use of electronic instruments and tools in performance contexts.
His music is experimental music: not in the usual sense of abstract
avant-garde research, but as a sensitive practice always taking its lead
from the musical ­ the instrumental ­ act, and is open to all surprises
along the way.

Direct link:


| I.K.K. ­ Purpur
| sirr0025 CD

I.K.K. is the new project of Ralf Wehowsky (RLW), the influential German
electronic music composer who started his recording career in 1980.
The I.K.K.-project started in 1794, when Christoph Schmid wrote the lyrics
for the Christmas song “Ihr Kinderlein Kommet”. More than 200 years later
RLW recorded his 5 year old daughter singing her favourite Xmas tunes….
RLW, following his inclination for collaborations, invited other artists to
work with this material. Beautiful-crafted and rendered compositions by Dan
Warburton, Andrew Deutsch, Chris Halliwell, Strotter Inst., Stephen
Vitiello, Frisch/Rainey/Wehowsky, and others, are the product of this

Direct link:
mp3 1:
mp3 2:

Ralf Wehowsky
Founder of the group P.D. (1981 renamed P16.D4) and the label Wahrnehmungen
(1982 renamed Selektion) in 1980. P16.D4 was one of the most influential
groups in experimental Industrial Music. They developed concepts of material
exchange long before the term «remix» was even coined. For their live
appearances they were equally at home in Punk and No Wave festivals and at
the holy grails of academic avantgarde like the Internationale Ferienkurse
für Neue Musik, Darmstadt. Since the early 1990s Wehowsky works under his
own name (rlw). His quiet, highly complex style of composition ­ based on
artifacts of instrumental and electronic sound ­ is influential for numerous
artists in the fields of electronic and improvised music. Some reflections
on his work can be found on TULPAS, a 5CD-box-set, featuring more than 50
artists performing their versions of his pieces (Jim O´Rourke, Brume, Achim
Wollscheid, Toshiya Tsunoda, John Duncan, Antanas Jasenka, Ryoji Ikeda, John
Watermann and others). His recent work embraces musique concrète improvisée
(with Bruce Russell, and Johannes Frisch, among others) as well as projects
based on extended material exchange (I.K.K.).

