Monlee Records News

June News. Click For Infos.Hi everybody!

I’m not sure if we could even call this a newsletter because it doesn’t have much content, but hey… Anyway, the month of May has been marked by two new Moonlee releases. At least in our world. Maybe some more important things have marked the month of May in the real world, but that’s another story.

So, we’ve got Damir Avdić‘s new album, entitled “Život je raj”. This may not be of interest to you foreign kids as Damir Avdić sings in a language you most likely wouldn’t understand, but hey, he’s still recorded a great album full of bitter social commentary. Definitely gonna spawn controversy all over the Balkans.

The other release is “My Personal Holiday” by Bernays Propaganda. Okay, it’s actually the product of a collaboration between a few labels, such as Prügelprinz and even Thrashbastard! And Moonlee, of course.

I’m getting tired of writing about how much this band rules, you’ve heard it all before and it was true. Still is, though. If you’re lucky, you might even catch them live because they’re touring Europe as we speak. Check their MySpace page for dates and stuff.

After reading all this, you must be wondering where you can get the said releases. Well, you can either head on over to Bandcamp and download/buy, or you could send an e-mail to and order.

Speaking of Bandcamp, we’ve made a profile page there just recently. Check it out, you can listen to/buy our stuff there, and you can even download a bunch of our bands’ releases for free! We really love it when people buy our releases though, running a record label costs money and we’re always broke. Story of our lives.

Oh, here are some reviews of the aforementioned albums:

BERNAYS PROPAGANDA – My Personal Holiday / in Croatian
Terapija / 9 out of 10 / in Croatian
Rockline / 3 out of 5 / in Slovenian
Never2much / in Croatian / in Croatian
RockOnNet / in Slovenian / in English

DAMIR AVDIĆ – Život je raj / in Croatian / 4 out of 5 / in Croatian
Radio Student / in Slovenian
Rockline / 4 out of 5 / in Slovenian / 8 out of 10 / in Croatian
Ž / in Bosnian

By the way, in case you run a webzine/magazine/radioshow or something similar and are interested in reviewing our latest releases, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Mirkich via

The same goes if you would like to do a more in-depth presentation of our bands for your audience (interview, profile, etc.). We’d totally appreciate it. ^^

Yeah, kthxbai. Yours truly, Mr. Moonlee.

Moonlee Records web-sites galore! | @ Bandcamp | @ MySpace | @ Facebook
@ Twitter | @ ReverbNation | @ Discogs | @ YouTube | @ Vimeo