Ovo News

New Cd And Tour. Click For Infos.The new OvO cd “Miastenia” is out on LOAD records.
Order it at www.loadrecords.com or ask for your local distributor.
Italians: www.goodfellas.it
OvO will be on a long european tour from tomorrow until the end of the month. See the dates below!!!
But before that check out the ?ALOS brand new website www.signorinaalos.com : she’s the OvO singer and just released a great album (“Ricordi Indelebili”) on Bar La Muerte , order it at order@barlamuerte.com
check the OvO tour:
6/4 AT- Innsbruck @ Workstation (w/Datafucklateniteshow)
7/4 AT- Linz @ Stadtwerkstatt
9/4 D- Frankfurt Am Main @ Tanzhaus West
11/4 D- Dresden @ AZ Conni (w/KundanLal,Eyehatelucy)
12/3 D- Goerlitz @ Jugendhaus (w/KundanLal)
13/4 D- Halle @ Reil78 (w/KundanLal)
14/4 D- Leipzig @ Zoro (w/KundanLal)
15/4 D- Berlin @ Scherer8 (w/KundanLal, Bruno and Michel are Smiling mit Skipperrr)
16/4 D- Rostock @ Jaz (w/KundanLal)
17/4 D- Neubrandenburg @ Tabulos (w/KundanLal)
18/4 D- Berlin @ Antje Oekklesond (w/KundanLal, Tollkitsch)
19/4 D- Berlin @ King Kong (w/KundanLal)
20/4 DK- Aarhus @ Katapult
21/4 DK- Aalborg @ 1000Fryd (w/O.D.)
23/4 SE- Varberg @ Caprinus/Nitanaldi
24/4 SE- Stockholm @ Sekt
26/4 FIN- Helsinki @ Ravintolalaiva Waiski (w/BorisMorgana)
27/4 FIN- Tampere @ Vastavirta (w/BorisMorgana)
30/4 SE- Gohenburg @ Underjorden
2/5 NOR- Stavanger @ Cement (w/FrodeGjestard/KjetilBrandsdal)
3/5 NOR- Oslo @ Spasibar
6/5 D- Hamburg @ Rote Flora (w/Bruno and Michel are Smiling, Notstandskomitiee, IstariLasterfahrer)
7/5 D- Koeln @ Kulturbunker Muelheim
8/5 NL- Den Haag @ Huishoudschool
9/5 NL- Utrecht @ Moira
10/5 NL- Amsterdam @ OCCII
11/5 B- Antwerp @ Schled’Apen (w/Kania Tieffer)
12/5 B- Bruxelles @ Magasin4 (w/Raxinasky, Mote)
13/5 B- Kortrijk @ The Pit
14/5 F- Amiens @ Le Babylone
17/5 F- Paris @ Les Instants Chavires (w/Passemontagne)
18/5 F- Strasbourg @ Molodoi (w/Eyesores, Myself)
19/5 F- Lyon @ MJC Oullins (w/Passemontagne)