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AVIA GARDNER – More than tongue can tell [CD Intr-version] BOOKS ON TAPE – Dinosaur Dinosaur [CD Alien8] DÉSORMAIS – Dead letters to lost friends [CD Intr-version] FILFLA – Frame [CD PLOP] GILLES GOBEIL – Trilogie d’ondes [DVD-A empreintes DIGITALes] GREG DAVIS & SEBASTIEN ROUX – Paquet Surprise [CD Carpark] HANNA HARTMAN – Longitude / Cratere [CD Komplott] PAUL DOLDEN – Délires de plaisirs [CD empreintes DIGITALes] SECRET MOMMY – Very Rec [CD Ache Records] SIGHTINGS / HRVATSKI – split div/orce Series [7³ Ache Records]

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AVIA GARDNER – More than tongue can tell [CD Intr-version intr015]

Avia Gardner was born before either of its members were.  She is a persona
teased out of a photograph, a story that has been given a voice.  Jenna
Robertson and Mitchell Akiyama first brought Avia to life on intr_version
records¹ compilation Saturday Morning Empires.  ³Urban Gravity² set
Robertson¹s delicate voice and subtle lyrics against a backdrop of fractured
strings, guitar and other acoustic instruments giving a premonition of
ethereal and beautiful things to come.

Avia Gardner¹s debut mini-album, More Than Tongue Can Tell, is as lush and
listenable as it is hard to pin down.  Jenna Robertson¹s voice might call to
mind an airier Tujiko Noriko or an English-speaking cousin of Juana Molina
but it has windiness all its own.  Her finely wrought words are embedded in
vast multi-instrumental folds that combine quirky quasi-symphonic
arrangements in the spirit of Sufjan Stevens and murky dub bass lines that
might have been pulled from Avey Tare and Panda Bear¹s early records, all
filtered and fragmented in a way that might be best compared to Akiyama¹s
other project, Désormais.

More Than Tongue Can Tell smells like old, yellowed pages, it is faded sepia
but sharp in focus.  It is Victorian wallpaper on a Macintosh screensaver.
It is delicate lace cut out of rusting metal with a drill press.  Despite
its small size, it is a sprawling work that is gorgeous without being
cloying, intricate without being baroque, and is sure to carve out a place
for Avia Gardner in the not-so-pop world.


BOOKS ON TAPE – Dinosaur Dinosaur [CD Alien8 ALIENCD60]

³Dinosaur Dinosaur² is the latest release by Los Angeles based Books  On
Tape, Todd Drootin¹s project dedicated to the style he terms ³beatpunk². The
tag is definitely apt as Drootin has gained a  reputation for fusing hip hop
and electronic beats with the energy and mayhem of punk rock.  ³Dinosaur
Dinosaur² further cements this style by incorporating more of the rock
spirit of his animated live  performances.

Listening to ³Dinosaur Dinosaur² one may be reminded of other  renowned
sonic manipulators such as Kid 606, Venetian Snares, DJ  Rupture, and 1
Speed Bike. Within 14 cuts Drootin incorporates a  myriad of stylistic
shifts over a foundation of unorthodox grooves. Standout tracks include
³Bubblegum² which lays some hardcore micro house on a minefield of bargain
basement bleeps. ³Upon Rock City² opens with surf guitar samples and
develops into a lively, multi-tempoed racket.  ³When Siblings Attack²
employs haunting vocal effects to achieve an early Aphex Twin vibe.  ³Tom
Delay² sounds like Perrey and Kingsley bad tripping on mushrooms.  ³Seeing
Things Again² intersperses snatches of metal riffage throughout a propulsive
drum line.  ³Kingston² drops a simple, plaintive melody into a zone of
broken beats and distortion.  The uniquely titled ³Kitten Kitten Kitten
Kitten Kitten Surprise² is a captivating psycho/hip hop odyssey which crams
a wealth of great ideas into just under ten minutes.  It¹s a satisfying end
to a journey through Drootin¹s likeably warped imagination.


DÉSORMAIS – Dead letters to lost friends [CD Intr-version intr014]

It¹s been over two years since Désormais – Mitchell Akiyama and Tony Boggs
(AKA Joshua Treble) – released their fractured and poetic album

Once again, Montreal and Cincinnati were the landing and sketch pads for a
collaboration written in black ink and whiskey. Some droning and fluttering
crosstalk from ŒiambrokenŠ¹ has bled into this latest work ­ the guitars are
still Damaged, the strings still splintered, the drums still clapping like
thunderŠ Intentionally and incidentally entitled ŒDead Letters To Lost
Friends,¹ Désormais¹s third album flits between nostalgic lilt and joyful
explosion and elaborates on the group¹s instrumental palette. The result is
less a pile of sand than a piece of sandpaper, a cohesive surface that holds
several styles of disorder.

ŒDead Letters To Lost Friends¹ features contributions from drummer Eric
Craven (Hanged Up), Spencer Yeh (Burning Star Core), Jenna Robertson (Avia
Gardner), Vitaminsforyou and others.


FILFLA – Frame [CD PLOP PLIP-3015]

FilFla is another new alias from the Tokyo based musician Keiichi Sugimoto
who is known as Fourcolor with his beautiful outputs from 12K, Apestaartje.
Among his other projects such as Fonica, Minamo, Installing and Good Music,
FilFla is probably his most composed outfit ever adding rhythmic elements
actively to rather more song oriented arrangements than his usual minimalist
works. Maybe you could call it as the developed version of Fonica with beats
since the fundamental parts and sound materials heard in this album were
first prepared for Fonica’s new album. Not to mention his precise and
delicate digital processing and the overall beautiful impression of his
atmospheric landscape is still present. He also runs the great Cubic music


GILLES GOBEIL – Trilogie d’ondes [DVD-A empreintes DIGITALes IMED 0576]

Fourth release for the world reknowned composer, Gilles Gobeil, and the
second DVD-Audio for the empreintes DIGITALes label. Trilogie d’ondes
compiles three works which Gilles Gobeil has written for ondes Martenot
player Suzanne Binet-Audet. This release is the second empreintes DIGITALES
production which is available in the DVD-Audio “Advanced Resolution” format.
This format allows increased 24-bit resolution, making the disc comparable
to a concert setting. It is also compatible with DVD-Video players
(attention: this release doesn’t contain actual video material.) Lastly, a
DVD-ROM portion includes the contents of the disc in 320 kbps MP3 and AAC


GREG DAVIS & SEBASTIEN ROUX – Paquet Surprise [CD Carpark CAK 30]

Their love of sound brought them together. The Atlantic Ocean kept them
apart. Until nowŠ After over a year of internet exchanges of ideas and
sounds, Parisian Sebastien Roux and Vermonter Greg Davis decided to put
their love to the test. Combining their interests in psychedelic music,
digital processing, folk, sunshine pop, musique concrete, ethnic sounds,
drones and field recordings, Sebastien (who works at the famed computer
music institution IRCAM) and Greg (who holds two degrees in Music and
Composition) have created a dynamic musical journey full of joy and
surprises. Whether it¹s large rocks being thrown into a stream, Sebastien
singing or Greg playing the double mijwiz, diverse sound worlds come
together in this ‘surprise package’. Open it and enjoy!


HANNA HARTMAN – Longitude / Cratere [CD Komplott escudre06]

Until now the two compositions of the album,/ Longitude 013° 26′ E/ and
/Cratere,/ which were originally commissioned pieces for the Swedish
Broadcasting Corporation and DeutschlandRadioBerlin, have only been
available to the public as radio broadcasts. The music is not dependent on
the medium of radio however, but consists of concrete sounds composed as
independent pieces. The material of the piece Cratere partly consists of
recordings of the Italian volcano Etna, whereas much of the material on
Longitude 013° 26′ E – a longitude which runs through Berlin, Kap Arkona and
the Baltic Sea – was recorded on sailing boats. The album cover is to be
interpreted as a commentary between map and terrain, an abstraction which
points to the difference between the origin of the sounds and its musical
form. The terrain can be conceived through the map, the map through the
knowledge and experiences which arise from the relation between the two.
Hanna Hartman has received several awards for her music such as the recent
Svenska Författarförbundet Radiopris (Swedish Writer Associations Radio
Award) 2004 and the Karl-Sczuka Prize 2005. She will be presenting a sound
installation at the GAS Festival (Göteborg Art Sounds, 1-8 October 2005).
Longitude / Cratere will be released on September 23.


PAUL DOLDEN – Délires de plaisirs [CD empreintes DIGITALes IMED 0577]

Fourth album by Canadian world reknowned composer Paul Dolden.
Délires de plaisirs (“Frenzies of Delights”) features the piece Entropic
Twilights, truly a technological and compositional masterwork, as well as
two mixed works from the Resonance Cycle (1992-96), The Gravity of Silence.
Resonance #5 (for flute and tape) and The Heart Tears itself Apart with the
Power of its own Muscle. Resonance #3 (for violin, viola, cello, double bass
and tape).
Official launch at the Borderline Festival in Malmö (Sweden) on April 29,
2005. More than twenty works by Dolden are featured in this great
retrospective of the composer’s career. All the works were revised, remixed,
and remastered in the composer’s studio in Montréal in 2003-2004 using the
latest techniques and highest quality compression, equalisation and reverb.


SECRET MOMMY – Very Rec [CD Ache Records Ache022]

Perhaps a commentary on public space and environments, or maybe a stab at
the mounting quantity of careerists in a once “do it for the love of the
music” music scene, Secret Mommy’s fourth release is an issue of
recreational activity. As a tennis ball collides with a racket, or a wet arm
makes contact with the water of a public pool, the sound scurries,  is
plucked from the air, and is ground into granules to be reassembled into
skittering, playful morsels of joyous noise.

Very Rec brings to light specific sounds that may otherwise be taken for
granted as mere environmental residue – the crisp tear of scissors cutting
construction paper, or the swish of an ice skate on ice. These are pocketed
and enjoyed, either untouched or as a starting point for digital
manipulation. Therefore, focus is on the clatter of activities – clatter
that would otherwise be brushed off as merely a consequence of something
greater, the activity itself.

This is not concept for the sake of concept. It’s the byproduct of an
addiction to sound – or more specifically, the searching, the documenting,
and the manipulating of sound. Vancouver’s Secret Mommy spent half a year
invading public space, equipped with hidden hand-made condenser microphones.
He visited his former high school to record a basketball practice; he
visited a martial arts demonstration, a children’s day care, a squash court,
and a dance studio.

He then spent another half a year obliterating this sound collection,
cutting it into particles, blowing it up, and sucking it in, all with the
spastic glee of a child kicking a tin can across a gravel field,  furthering
his reputation as a ‘hellbound cruise director’ (Splendid E-zine) in the
sound design world.

The result is a polyrhythmic, visceral celebration of sporadic delight.  A
cut n’ paste exploration of activity and movement, obscured by mild
absurdism. The fourth chapter of Secret Mommy’s trademark ADD, ‘nothing
loops more than twice’, brand of electronic anti-techno.

Whatever obscured message may be lingering within Very Rec, it is clear that
Secret Mommy has created it for his own recreation, making light of the
artist taking himself too seriously; An exercise in exercise.


SIGHTINGS / HRVATSKI – split div/orce Series [7³ ACHE019/D/THREE]

My Cat hates this music. He ran under the bed when I put it on. My cat is an
idiot. He doesn’t know anything. I tried to make him appreciate the nuances
of this cranky, and situationist piece of music,
the album as a thudding detournement of negation politics and absurdist
subversion; the intricacies of Sightings’ repetitive, rumbling mass; or the
tapestry of skittery elastic percussion woven by Hrvatski; the resolute
denial of any set of society’s confines that the record achieves; but he
just looked at me, rolled on to his back and said innocently, “Mrrrow?”
What a pussy. “I thought you were punk”, I sneered.

Back To Back by New York’s SIGHTINGS is pure rumbling pressure. It’s what
music sounds like inside your ear drum, behind your face. The group has had
3 full length albums on LOAD RECORDS and has been turning heads for several
years with their saturated mass of sound.

New England’s HRVATSKI (aka KEITH FULLERTON WHITMAN) show us that he is
still the champion of pressision editing and digital meticulousness – ‘an
artist with a scholarly understanding of sound and an ear for dissecting
breaks like a musical scientist; thankfully he’s also one with a slightly
twisted, trashy sense of humour.’ – BBC

This is the language of Greil Marcus’ negation, or as he would say “a breach
in the pop milieu; in the screen of cultural assumptions governing what one
expected to hear and how one expected to respond”. This is why this record
is another piece of the puzzle in the div/orce series – a series dedicated
to uncovering the uncanny similaritys in spirit between today’s ‘electronic’
and ‘experimental rock’, therefore rendering such trivial labels obsolete.

“The DIV/ORCE series is just getting more and more interesting from here. ”

HRVATSKI [Planet Mu / kranky / Ache Records] Live Dates:
30/11 NL – paradox, tilburg
01/12 BE – scheldeapen, antwerp
02/12 NL – crackbeats, tilburg
03/12 NL – waterfront, rotterdam
04/12 NL – extrapool, nijmegen
05/12 BE – ozone, gent

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THE EX presented by SPEX, OX,, &
17/11 DE – Oldenburg – Alhambra
18/11 DE – Marburg – Café Trauma
19/11 DE – Berlin – Bastard
20/11 DE – Jena – Kassablanca
21/11 DE – Reutlingen – Nepomuk
22/11 DE – Munich – Feierwerk
23/11 DE – Darmstadt – Oetinger Villa
24/11 DE – Hamburg – Hafenklang
25/11 DE – Bielefeld – Bunker Ulmenwall
26/11 DE – Dortmund – FZW

PIT ER PAT [Thrill Jockey] presented by SPEX
06/09 UK – Leicester, Bar Nova
07/09 UK – Nottingham, Bunkers Hill Inn
08/09 UK – London, Windmill Brixton
10/09 UK – Exeter, The Cavern Club
12/09 FR – Paris, Cafe De La Plage
13/09 FR – Nantes, Live Bar
14/09 FR – Grenoble, Eve
15/09 FR – Lyon, Le Clos Fleuri
17/09 IT – Livorno, Bottini Dell’Olio
18/09 IT – Pescara, Mono Spazio Bar
20/09 HR – Zagreb, Mochvara
21/09 AT – Wien, Rhiz
23/09 DE – München, Glockenbachwerkstatt
24/09 CZ – Prague, 007
25/09 DE – Dresden, Scheune
27/09 DE – Berlin, Magnet Club
28/09 DE – Offenbach, Hafen 2
29/09 DE – Stuttgart, Schocken
30/09 DE – Chemnitz, Voxx
01/10 DE – Wiesbaden, Schlachthof
02/10 DE – Köln, Kulturbunker Mülheim

DOMOTIC [Active Suspension] 08/09 CH – Festival La Bâtie / Genève + FENNESZ…
16/09 FR – Festival FAM / Ancienne chapelle / Toulouse + BROADWAY 6AM +
18/09 FR – Festival Sous la Plage /  Paris + MATT ELLIOTT + PIANO MAGIC…
05/10 FR – Mains d’Oeuvres / Paris + LARGE NUMBER
18/10 FR – Festival Elektroni-k ( / Rennes +
21/10 FR – Festival Nouvosonic / L’atheneum / Dijon
22/10 FR – Lieu Unique ( / Nantes
23/12 BE – Panama  / salle de la Maison de la Culture / Namur + CYANN & BEN

THE KONKI DUET [Active Suspension] 10/09 NL – VPRO/ DWARS Festival / Amsterdam + SHEARWATER / LONG LIVE DEATH
01/10 CA – Festival Pop à Montreal / Montreal
08/10 UK – The French Disconnection Festival / SPITZ / London + SEBASTIEN

THEE, STRANDED HORSE [Active Suspension] 09/09 BE – Festival Dictapop ( / Bruxelles + MATT ELLIOTT +
13/09 FR – Live Bar / Nantes + PITERPAT
30/09 FR – Mains d’Oeuvres /  Saint Ouen + MORNING STAR
03/10 FR – Emporium Galorium / Rouen + ON (sylvain Chauveau + Steven Hess)
19/10 FR – Festival Novosonic / Dijon , En duo avec Sylvain Chauveau

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DENSE Promotion

Benndorf + Picicci GbR
Reichenberger Str. 147
10999 Berlin / Germany